This is what I did to start the experiment:
Place rice and water in 3 jars. I used about 1/4 cup cooked rice with 1/2 cup water in each small jar.
Label each jar:
Happy: this one you will say happy and kind things to (I love you, Thank you, etc.).
Sad/Mad: to this jar you will say unkind and cruel things.
Ignore: this jar will be ignored for the duration of the experiment.
I had some doubts that it would work, but I began the experiment with the intention that I and my family would learn something meaningful from this.
Day 1 of the rice experiment
My kids (ages 4 and 1) thought it was funny to talk to the jars - I had to put the ignore jar up out of their reach to ensure more accurate results.
At every mealtime - and whenever else we thought about it, we said happy things to the happy jar, and mean things to the sad/mad jar.
I also used the sad/mad jar as my outlet for frustration - whenever I felt unkind thoughts, I directed them towards that jar. I never actually felt better after thinking and saying these unkind things - in fact, I started to feel guilty for thinking and saying them.
After one week:
After one week, the Happy jar was still white, the Ignore jar had black mold, and the Sad/Mad jar had red mold.
I was both surprised and saddened at these results, and was surprised at how much emotion I felt towards these jars. I felt guilty for two jars growing mold, because I knew I was responsible.
I also felt guilty for every unkind thought and word I have ever had or said.
I felt an increased desire to treat everyone, but especially members of my family with more kindness, and to speak with love towards everyone.
I was also repulsed by the mold and felt even more negative thoughts looking at the jars, which I am sure multiplied the mold's growth.
After two weeks:
After two weeks, the Happy jar was still all white, the Ignore jar had even more gross mold, and the Sad/Mad looked the worst with black and red mold everywhere.
Here are close ups of the jars after two weeks:
After two weeks, I was even more repulsed by the moldy jars.
I know have a greater understanding of the power of our thoughts, words and deeds.
After three weeks, I felt an increased desire to be more careful about just about everything I expose myself and my family to. I choose carefully the TV shows and movies I watch, the music I listen to, even the things I view online.
I also was reminded of times when I had friends or family try to convince me to watch awful movies, and I felt physically ill during anything violent or scary, or otherwise immoral.
I sometimes joke that I get nightmares even from watching Jurassic Park, but it is true - I am very sensitive and truly affected by what I am exposed to.
(Here is a fascinating read on getting good or bad energy from the things you see online)
This has become more of a motto for me - not just because I was "told" to, but because I really want to fill my life with good things:
Article of Faith 13:
We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.
Remember that old rhyme?
"Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words will never hurt me."
Such a lie! I remember in the third grade, confiding to my mom that my "best friends" had said cruel things to me. She repeated that line to me, trying to help me feel better, but I remember I felt like crying after hearing it. Now I realize it was my spirit discerning a lie.
Our words and thoughts have power!
Will you use your thoughts and words for positive change in the world?
The end of the experiment...
After three weeks, I felt that my family had learned the lesson and I decided it was time to clean out the jars. As I opened each jar, I felt so tempted to just throw the moldy ones away. I examined the moldy lids and jars, and considered what I should do. They were canning jars, and I always hate to throw away things that can be useful, but they were really gross!
Emotion overcame me as I realized that this was the lesson to be learned.
I felt the understanding that the Atonement covers all the nasty stuff that someone might be tempted to throw away. Though your sins and wounds seem scarlet red, you and I can become white, clean and pure. His Grace is sufficient to cleanse all of us.
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