"Our rising generation is worthy of our best efforts to support and strengthen them in their journey to adulthood."
-Ronald A. Rasband

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Are your beliefs limiting you?

One of the greatest lessons I have learned (still learning!) in the last few years is to trust my intuition. To trust the thoughts that bring warmth, not emptiness. The thoughts that empower and bring gratitude, not fear. This journey, to trust the light within me, seemed to speed up as I became a mother. There are all sorts of opinions when it comes to raising a child. I had my own opinions, or so I thought, and then we brought a baby home, and all of a sudden, my opinions, my beliefs about what a child “should” do, clashed with what my baby told me, and what a little tiny voice inside my heart also told me—first and foremost, listen to your baby!

Four and a half years later, I am still getting to know my intuition. It seems that every day, I let go of more false, limiting beliefs, most of them deeply embedded in my subconscious, in order to trust my intuition.

Some beliefs limit us – usually these involve a negative, such as “I can’t do that, I am not strong enough for that, I could never…” These beliefs do NOT come from God, or any being associated with light. Do not believe them!

Other beliefs, however, are freeing.

“The real me, the spirit child of God, is the author of our righteous desires, our hunger for salvation, and of our longing to eventually become reunited with our heavenly home. When the light of Christ is able to penetrate our hearts, prompted by the enlightened testimony of truth by a focused teacher, it will cause in us a state of awakening, an awakening of the real me, the child of God, so that we can learn to channel our desires to focus on our true needs.” (F. Enzio Busche, “Unleashing the Dormant Spirit”)

One of the most important beliefs I have embraced, is that God loves us, unconditionally. Unconditionally. UNCONDITIONALLY! (do you believe it yet?)

This is a conversation Lucas and I had in August, after I felt guilty when I had been getting impatient (understatement!) with him during bedtime routine. I snuggled with him in his bed, and looked in his eyes.

Me: Did you know that I love you? And did you know that I love you when you are happy, and when you are sad?
Lucas - silent but wide eyed and listening 

Me: And did you know that I love you when you make good choices, but also when you don't make good choices?

Lucas smiled really big, so I continued.

Me: And did you know that God loves us when we make good choices, and when we don't make good choices? 
(at this point I teared up as I felt God confirming this truth to me!)

Lucas: (huge smiles!) Yeah! And I love YOU even when you get mad, and I love Daddy even if he gets mad, and I love ME when I am mad!

Yes, God loves me, even when I lose my patience with others, even when I make the most embarrassing mistakes.

"Do you realize how deeply The Lord loves and cherishes you, even now? Our Savior has the power to cleanse and heal you. He can remove the pain and sorrow you feel and make you clean again through the power of His Atonement." (Sister Linda S. Reeves, April 2014 LDS general conference)

These beliefs – these truths, they resonate deep within my being. They set me free. And I know that literally, nothing is impossible with God. I believe this so wholeheartedly that I feel upset when I hear my sweet 4 year old say “I can’t do it!” I try to kindly suggest a different phrase to express his frustration, but I emphatically remind him, “You can!--and it is okay to ask for help.” Because I know that I have God and angels on my side, whispering, “You can do it!”

June 2012

Every moment with our children can be a healing moment. An opportunity to change our past, to heal our hearts, let go of the lies, to break a cycle. The way we were treated can become our autopilot, but if we live consciously we can change our inner voice. 

With God, all things are possible. 

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